08 December 2008

A HOLIDAY POEM 2008 by Josh Marwell

HarperCollins's president of sales, Josh Marwell, offers some poetic advice on how to afford gifts this holiday season.
A Holiday Poem, 2008 by Josh Marwell
'Twas a month before Christmas, and all through the house
Not a consumer was spending, not even with mouse.
The goods were placed by the cash wrap with care,
Though a very bad season was the big fear.
The anchors were talking, alarmed in their chairs,
While visions of breadlines added to cares.
And Mom with her list, and Dad with his frown,
Decided to cancel their trip into town.
There will be no gifts, it was determined this year,
The bull has gone missing; here comes the bear!
Yet a cry went out from all those that live:
There must be something, something to give.
From across the land there rose quite a cheer,
Let's find a gift that isn't so dear!
Let's find a gift that people will want
In Ariel, Baskerville and other cool font.
Let's find a gift that gives a reward,
That all can enjoy—even the bored!
For it's books that make the best gifts of all,
For every season from summer to fall.
For Christmas, Hanukah, Diwali and Eid,
Books are must gifts for all that can read!
Now, Edgar! Now, Lennon! Now, Marley and Wally!
On, Collins! On, Wicked! On, Fancy! On, Nancy!
To the top of those lists! To huge POS!
Now sell away! Sell away! Sell away all!
Let's not give up hope for the season now here.
Books are winners, so don't shed a tear.
Consumers are coming back very soon.
Happy holidays to all, and to all Goodnight Moon!

copyright Josh Marwell, Harper Collins

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