This is Baby G! Isn't she beautiful?! She is five weeks old. Someday I'll introduce her to Baby A seen in my last post. He's a month older!
And these are Grace's parents CB & SE. Today my friend SM and I were invited to their beautiful home in Beverly for a fabulous homemade Chinese luncheon prepared by CB's parents who are visiting from China for six months.
We were served platters loaded with pork dumplings prepared by C's Dad who is a pediatrician by trade. Her Mom, an OB-Gyn made the rice noodles with bean sprouts & veggies. There was also sticky rice with dates-wrapped in banana leaves and tied up with string. YUMMMMY. RK and I lucked out bigtime...as C sent me home with a big bag of leftovers for dinner. Good friends, a beautiful baby and delicious food--it doesn't get much better than that! Maybe someday we can get a cooking lesson!
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