16 May 2010


Now living in the garden behind the pool...as his life on the table was spooking us out when we let the dogs out at nite!
Now RK has six or seven guitars. That's okay...everyone's got to collect something.
fancy guitars.
This one came home with us.

The one that got away (above!). I love this guy so!

Oh how Mar would have loved this guy...but the $5K price tag deterred us!
My loot...most of it.
Sunshine, coffee, my man, my pups...at the flea=a great Sunday!

Aha...i finally figured out a way to drag Robert out of bed at dawn on Sunday morning to go to Todd Farm. Guitars!

We had a very successful trip to Todd Farm early Sunday morning a few weeks ago; i fell in love with a very expensive, very big rooster but happily settled for his little brother. He's now standing in the garden behind the pool (which hopefully we'll open this week!) RK fell in love with some really beautiful expensive guitars...but found one for a lot less, that played just as beautifully. For the pups...some British pup art... a fabulous terrier drawing. A very colorful Mary Had a Little Lamb print for me. I scored some fun fabrics including a very vibrant, very old indian print bedspread that will be perfect for beach picnics and a few yards of Schumacher. I am in love with my little red-striped european linen covered lavender pillow, which I do believe has cured me of insomnia! All that and a silver ladle, some bath salts and soaps, a vintage pear platter for my every growing collection of things-pear, some lovely vintage lace and rick rack that will come to Squam with me next month--and best of all a morning all together in the sun! Not on our list of purchases...the $5000 rebar moose that Mar would have flipped over (she's the only one on earth that might even like it), nor the funky hi-rise bicyclette!

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